Vacuum conveyors for powder & bulk
Vacuum is used with great advantage in conveying dry powder products through dedicated pipe systems. Piab's vacuum conveying systems are built of high quality material. When producing food, pharmaceuticals and chemical products there are demands on the highest possible degree of safety as to hygiene and operation. Piab's piFLOW® conveyors have been developed as an answer to the severe requirements of operational safety and hygiene in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Piab conveyors are ATEX Dust certified. piFLOW®p and piFLOW®t are ATEX Gas certified. All conveyors are available with either an ejector driven vacuum pump or with a mechanical pump.
Premium – piFLOW®p
This is a conveyor when a premium technology is needed, e.g. in the food and pharmaceutical industry. It also makes sense when there is a big demand on high throughput performance with a small foot print. The piFLOW®p capacity range is very big – from 2 litres batch volume up to 56 litres. All conveyors are available with either an ejector driven vacuum pump or with a mechanical pump.
Tablet - piFLOW®t
This is a conveyor when a premium technology is needed especially to handle tablets or fragile products in the food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries. It also makes sense when there is a big demand on high throughput performance with a small foot print. The piFLOW®t capacity range is quite large – suitable for transporting up to four million tablets per hour.
Food grade - piFLOW®f
This is a conveyor widely used in the industry where food grade quality is a demand. This conveyor is often used as an alternative to mechanical conveyors when there is a requirement for dust free conveying or low maintenance. Capacity up to 4 tons/h. All conveyors are available with either an ejector driven vacuum pump or with a mechanical pump.
Industrial - piFLOW®i
This is a conveyor widely used in the general industry and sometimes in the chemical industry. It has a high throughput performance as well as a small foot print. Capacity up to 4 tons/h. All conveyors are available with either an ejector driven vacuum pump or with a mechanical pump.
Spare parts
The vacuum conveyor is reliable and requires a minimum of maintenance. It is, however, necessary to regularly change some of the parts to maintain maximum productivity.
Upgrade kit for C conveyors
Extend the lifetime of your existing C conveyor. The upgrade kit makes it possible to upgrade the old C conveyor series to the piFLOW®p platform. The kit is a plug-and–play assembly for a quick change over.
Different accessories to optimize your vacuum conveyor.